Can You Spot the Difference?

Report: Young Americans are more and more likely to wind up in hospital ICUs after consuming fake, fentanyl-laced Oxycontin pills.

Gabi's Story

After surviving multiple overdoses, an Austin teen hopes to raise awareness about underage drug use.

'Know Ur Vape' Puts Drug-Free Twist on Unboxing Videos

Social media influencers put a twist on unboxing videos to demonstrate the dangers of vaping.

Marijuana Legal in 9 Out of 10 States With Highest Youth Use Rate

Nine out of the top 10 U.S. states by annual marijuana use among youth (ages 12-17) have legalized the drug for recreational use.

Countering Illicit Drug Supply and Demand as a Special Agent

This is the 14th installment in a series of profiles featuring DEA special agents, diversion investigators, chemists, and more. Learn about the tough but fulfilling, fascinating, and vital work these DEA personnel do, as well as the many different ways to get involved in fighting drug misuse.

How Much Do Your Friends Know About Fentanyl?

Less than half of young Americans ages 13-24 and just over a third of teens know that fake pills are manufactured with fentanyl, according to a study commissioned by nonprofit charity Song for Charlie.

Protect Your Brain

This new video, produced by the Addiction Policy Forum, shares a few good strategies for protecting your brain from substance misuse disorder.

Question of the Week

What Are You Doing this Summer?


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