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image of boy with drugs

Study: Marijuana Use Rises Among Young Adults

(September 24) The number of young adults (ages 19-22) who regularly vape marijuana shot up between 2018 and 2019, according to the most recent Monitoring the Future study. 

420 Remix

Watch: PSA Contest Winners Announced!

California teens created PSAs to convince other teens not to use marijuana.



Want to show your friends where you're living drug free? Participate in the social media challenge! 

vape pens

New Report: Teen Marijuana Vaping Increases

According to the latest Monitoring the Future Study, the percentage of 12th graders who admitted to vaping marijuana oil within the last month doubled from the previous year.

Bmore youth summit screenshot

Watch: Teens React to B'more Opioid Summit

The event featured performances by New Orleans rapper Dee-1, as well as first-hand stories about drug addiction from people in recovery.


Myth or Fact? “Addiction Is a Choice"

(NIDA)  Have you ever heard someone say that addiction is a choice?

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Contest Winners Honored at L.A. Event

Winners from this year’s Living the Example Video Contest were recently honored during an exclusive red carpet event in Los Angeles.

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In Recovery—Steps to Overcoming Addiction

(NIDA Teens) Most people know that addiction, can be overcome with treatment. But like many other diseases, it is often a winding road to get there. Read more.

group of happy teens

Video: Teens Talk about “Living the Example”

Teens from across the country answered that question as part of Mentor Foundation USA’s 2019 Living The Example online video contest. Vote for your favorite video.

Teenage Therapy screenshot

Winners Announced in 'Living the Example' Video Contest

(August 15, 2019) As part of the contest, teens from across the nation submitted videos showing how they 'live the example.'